Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

Body Scrubs

So easy and it smells sooooo good

For 1 glass, you'll need
2 cups sea salt,I used the coarsed one
1/2 a cup of coconut oil, warm so that it's liquid
8-10 drops of lavender oil
some lemon guice
2 spoons of green tea and/or matcha tea

mix the lavender oil with the cocnut oil, add the salt and the green tea......already ready! ;-)

and these are the tags I made:

 you can download them here:

honey honey honey

So Ihr Lieben, so wurden Eure Weihnachtsgeschenke dieses Jahr hergestellt! Wie immer mit ganz viel Liebe :-)
Lasst es Euch schmecken!